Okay..finally!!! My laptop is fixed and I'm back online!!! Whooo Hooooo!!!! I can't believe I've skipped out on blogging for months. But as one of my many New Years Resolutions I'm going to try and blog more frequently! Hopefully I can keep it up this time.
So much has happened over the last few months. I will be covering the highlights in the next few posts. And let me just say....... I have a bunch of pics to post of all the different events!
In addition to the holidays, Jackson had a huge birthday in December! My baby boy turned 10!!! yep ....double digits! I can't believe it's been ten years!! Anyway, he had a super cool XBOX tournament sleepover! It was awesome, and I totally impressed myself. I figured out how to system link 2 XBOX systems together. We had 2 flat screen TV's set up and Jax and his friends were able to game against each other all at the same time! Did I mention AWESOME??? I even made XBOX cupcakes to look like the buttons on an XBOX controller! And of course we wore video game shirts! Why not??!
Here's a pic of all the boys and the birthday cupcake pyramid (way cheaper than buying a cake) Oh yes.....it was me and 5 boys!! Who stayed up until they all passed out around 2ish. I made it through with a large pot of coffee and some diet coke. Thank goodness birthdays are only once a year!! What a party!

Our very cool video game shirts.....oh yeah.....very cool!! Can't wait until next year........