Monday, February 15, 2010

Another project!

Yep that's right....2 projects in one weekend! I'm pretty excited about that :) Here is a pic of the 2nd finished project.... the top is an old picture frame I had lying around under my bed .. I knew I would use it someday! I had the calendar hanging on my fridge and the row of sticky notes too. I painted the frame, put white poster board under the glass and put the calendar and sticky notes on with double sided tape...bonus--i can remove the calendar and use it as a dry erase board!
The key picture thingy underneath it was chipped and a dark wood color...I painted that too with the same black and printed out some really cute black and white pics for in it acts like a shelf to put my pen etc on for the calendar and a place to hang my keys....I put it on the wall in the kitchen next to the garage door. It looks fantabulous!!! And will look even better after i paint the kitchen walls and get my new countertops!! Can't wait :)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

pillows for $0.99....really???

I found this brand spankin new set of 6 camoflauge handkerchiefs at the thrift store for 99 of course I buy them...but why? I knew someday I'd think of someway to use them...well, yesterday it hit me! Pillows for Jackson's bed!! I sew them together..then I need something to stuff them problem, I just happen to have these old pillows in the guest room...I'll just rip them apart!

this was the really fun part!

After that, I stuffed them and sewed them shut...and tada... 3 pillows for $0.99!!!!!